In 1959 Prof. Dr. Ivan Bogdanov (1920 - 1988) founded the Scientific and Research Institute for anticancer antibiotics later on converted into a Research and Manufacturing Laboratory for Bioactive Substances whose successor is now company DeoDan Ltd.
Thanks to the bacterium Lactobacillus Bulgaricus the yogurt is a natural probiotic that has a major beneficial impact on people. The problem with the yoghurt is that it contains a large quantity of "ballast" i.e. substances that are neutral for man and the useful part is very limited. One of the first probiotics in the world was developed by prof. Nikola Alexandrov in the 80s of the 20th century in Bulgaria namely on the basis of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. It is a super concentrate of yoghurt - dried yogurt containing only the useful part without the excess "ballast" as well as digested proteins and all the amino acids in appropriate for absorption form.
History of studies associated with Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
In 1951 Dr. Ivan Bogdanov isolated from Bulgarian yogurt special strain of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus - I. Bogdanov patent strain tumoronecroticance B-51 - ATCC 21815, briefly called LB51. Besides the lactic acid synthesized by the strain it is also a very powerful producer of an antibiotic substance with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity which later is applied in the creation of the preparation NORMOFLOR. In 1956 Dr. Ivan Bogdanov discovered that strain LB51 exhibited potent anticancer activity quite different from that of cytostatics and chemotherapeutics used at that time. Initial clinical trials were conducted by prof. Pophristov and Dr. Ivan Bogdanov using crude extracts from LB51 injected intratumorally in cases of spino- and basal cell carcinoma. As a result of chemical purification of the tumor necrosis substance contained within LB51 in 1966 Dr. Ivan Bogdanov created preparation previously called Blastolysin (now Deodan (for i.v. application)) used as a standard test substance and defined as glycopeptide of the cell walls of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus LB51. In 1967 Dr. Ivan Bogdanov started the application of an oral preparation. Initially the preparation is named Antibioticum Bulgaricum - AB then it is called not quite appropriately ANABOL (nothing to do with anabolic hormones) and now it bears the name brand DEODAN - high molecular compound containing muramyl peptides.
An important clarification:
Already 66 years the strain LB51 is adapted to be grown on special liquid culture medium which influences both the morphology and biological properties of the strain. It is isolated from Bulgarian yogurt which contains it but in much less quantity than in the concentrated preparations which are mentioned in the text herein.
Antitumor activity
More than 70 strains of microorganisms were tested for antitumor activity but only the strain LB51 demonstrated significant tumor-necrotizing effect. As an experimental model has been selected one of the most malignant tumors: Sarcoma 180 – having 100% mortality. Over 2 000 fractions of an extract of LB51 were tested for tumor-necrotizing activity on more than 150,000 mice. The too rapid necrosis that occurred after intravenous administration of Blastolysin led to toxic effects due to the fast disintegration of the tumor mass. This was the reason for temporary stopping of the clinical trials of the intravenous preparation as thereafter began researches for other routes of administration.
Immunomodulatory activity
In 1967 Dr. Ivan Bogdanov began the administration of the oral preparation. The tumor-necrotizing activity of the oral preparation manifests itself much more moderately in a relatively longer period of time and without any side effects. Another advantage of the oral administration of the preparation DEODAN is the well known harmlessness of lactobacilli consumed by the yogurt. Preliminary clinical studies conducted by Dr. Ivan Bogdanov were published in a small monograph: "Observations on the therapeutic effect of the anticancer agent from Lactobacillus Bulgaricus LB51 tested on 100 cancer patients." The first thing observed was the definite improvement in the overall condition of the patients manifested by normalization of their blood counts as a result of the regeneration processes mainly in the bone marrow. Experiments were conducted with "long term murine bone marrow cell cultures." The influence of DEODAN is achieved by stimulating the stromal cells in the bone marrow. The results show that DEODAN has an activating effect on the function of the macrophages and this corresponds to the research reports on the activity of other muramyl peptide containing biological response modifiers. The experiments carried out on in vitro and in vivo effects of DEODAN on macrophages (monocytes) show that the preparation activates these cells thus synthesizing and secreting TNF (tumor necrosis factor), IL-6 (interleukin), IL-1 and colony stimulating factors. Studies have shown that the administration of DEODAN leads to endogenous (occurring in the body) production of TNF. It is assumed that the natural TNF released in the body has a greater cytotoxic activity and weaker toxicity effects compared to the recombinant TNF.
Anti-ulcer and antibiotic activity
On the basis of the active principle of LB51 has been developed a biological preparation for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis. The product does not contain alkalizing agents and analgesics. The antibiotic (probiotic) properties of the strain LB51 were used by Dr. Ivan Bogdanov for creation of the therapeutic agent NORMOFLOR which consists of the dried (lyophilised) live bacteria measured at а very high titer of live cells per gram. The preparation is manufactured by company DeoDan Ltd. This is a biological preparation for the treatment of intestinal infections of bacterial origin and dysbacteriosis caused by the treatment with antibiotics and/or sulphonamides.
Documentary movie
The documentary movie "Dr. Ivan Bogdanov - one hope" lasting 23 minutes was filmed in 1984 by a team directed by the famous Bulgarian filmmaker Andrew Altaparmakov (1948 - 2012) and has never been aired on television. It is not hard to imagine why? The drug called ANABOL for which Dr. Bogdanov mentioned in the movie is now called DEODAN. The entire movie can be watched on the following link:
A study published in the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health:
Stimulating effect of DEODAN (an oral preparation from Lactobacillus Bulgaricus LB51) on monocytes/macrophages and host resistance to experimental infections.
Source of the article: WikiGenes
Online link:
Author: Polly Popova et al
Source of the article: WikiGenes
Online link:
Author: Polly Popova et al
DEODAN is a lysozyme lysate from Lactobacillus bulgaricus for oral administration which has shown antitumor activity in mice and humans. The effects of this preparation on some functions of monocytes/macrophages and on host resistance to experimental infections were examined. The oral administration to mice of DEODAN-150 mg/kg daily (the recommended dose in humans) caused an increase of the spreading ability and phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages, which showed morphological signs of cell activation. The level of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) secreted in the culture supernatant of peritoneal macrophages of DEODAN-treated mice was found to be slightly increased only when the mice were treated with 150 mg/kg DEODAN for 10 days. However, the in vitro incubation of human blood monocytes with DEODAN resulted in induction of membrane-bound and cytoplasmic IL-1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-alpha. The oral treatment of mice with DEODAN also caused a decrease in mortality after experimental infections with Klebsiella pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes. These results indicate that DEODAN activates the phagocytic and secretory functions of mononuclear cells and increases host resistance to bacterial infections.
Stimulating effect of DEODAN (an oral preparation from Lactobacillus bulgaricus "LB51") on monocytes/macrophages and host resistance to experimental infections. Popova, P., Guencheva, G., Davidkova, G., Bogdanov, A., Pacelli, E., Opalchenova, G., Kutzarova, T., Koychev, C. Int. J. Immunopharmacol. (1993) [Pubmed]