Swimming pools for public use, Jacuzzis, SPA (Sanus Per Aquam - translated from Latin language: "Health by water") and the like are places where bacterial microflora develops favourably with monstrous speed and amount. Users of such breeders of diseases are carriers due to the lack of their own hygienic habits. The latter ease there their biological needs on a regular basis and the owners of swimming pools do not clear them in the required manner. Bacteria and fungi have excellent adhesion property and transferred by sleazy people remain on the surfaces of the respective device for days and weeks waiting for a host. This is the reason why many children receive regularly severe skin eczema and girls acquire for life vaginal and urethral infections. Swimming is perhaps the best sport but not under these conditions. Never allow your children to attend such places. You also should not do it.
A book about the 50 most common diseases, how to treat them and how to avoid generally being sick.