When someone says "I'm on a diet" then it means only one thing "a few days or weeks I will do experiments with food and myself and then will go on as before." The word diet from Greek language means "way of eating" i.e. the key to succeed in your quest for weight loss is the irreversible and complete in time changing of your lifestyle and especially the eating habits. On the mechanisms of obesity and its consequences read on chapter "Having a meal", paragraph "Rich assortment with calorie malnutrition".
It took me about a year to recover to a large extent my immune system and 9 months to reduce my weight by 28 kg. Significant is the fact that not only I retained my reduced weight unlike all my friends who subject themselves to silly diets from time to time and gain back weight immediately after its end and even I still manage to reduce (much slower already) my weight. Now my cholesterol and triglycerides are back normal - something that was distorted in me for the last 10 years. I became more relaxed and do not suffer from headache, joints and rheumatic pain. My energy is that of a young man in its 20's. The fact that I managed to quit smoking is a great pride for me and my whole family. Now each day I walk between 4 and 5 km., eat fruits and vegetables 2 times a day and drink 3 - 4 ltrs of water a day. Water changed my blood pressure dramatically. When I completely ignored its existence and drank only half a litre a day it was almost constantly high (105/150 mmHg) and now it is rather low (75/115 mmHg) and even I can control it very precisely by increasing or decreasing the daily amount of accepted salt and water. Every day I drink 200 mg of vitamin C and in the first 10 days of each month I take vitamins B9 and B12. My kids and my wife accepted my habits from the very beginning and now they see also a radical improvement in their health. All winter none of us is sick. Nobody even cough.
Before the establishment of this major change in my life our family doctor was a regular "guest" in our home because I oftenly had hypertensive crises, nervous breakdowns, very high heart rate and suffered from heavy colds constantly. All this is behind me! I did not call our family doctor for more than three years.