Here's how the doctors have been ridiculed back in 1861 by the great French writer and playwright Eugene Labiche in the comedy stage play "Throwing dust in the eyes" (original title: "La Poudre aux yeux"):
Dialogue between Dr. Malingear and his wife Blanche:
Let me tell you what you're missing.
Dr. Malingear:
What is it?
You are missing a contrivance! You consider the role of the doctor somehow very oddly.
Dr. Malingear:
Oddly? Why?
Well, oddly, because when the sky sends you a patient immediately you start to calm him: "Oh, do not worry, it will all pass for two or three days."
Dr. Malingear:
Do you suggest that I should scare him?
You have to do as the others, like the real doctors - your colleagues, because when a patient goes to them they look at him like this (makes heavy thoughtful grimace) and begin to speak incomprehensible things in Latin then say: "Sir, your illness is very complex, the treatment will last long, everything will be extended in time but let's call a consultant" and immediately convenes a consultative meeting.
Dr. Malingear:
And what good is that?
The benefit comes from the fact this way you show respect to your colleague whom you have called to perform a consult and he shall return it to you next week. This is how one makes a clientele!
Dr. Malingear:
Well, no, but I am, I am - honest!
Weeeell but with this honesty of yours you shall lose your last patient! You already got only one.
Dr. Malingear:
Oooh, our neighbour Mr. de Boer.
He-he, do you remember when he swallowed an entire needle without noticing and then you cured him for two weeks? What to cure? The needle sits inside. And finally one fine morning you told him: "Sir, I do not understand your disease!"
Dr. Malingear:
But of course what to say as I do not understand?
When the doctor does not understand the disease of the patient he may immediately say: "Well, these problems origin from disorders of the nervous system!" Oooh, why am I not a doctor to show you how fast I can heal them all!
Dr. Malingear:
Oooh, of course! You would be the biggest charlatan!
Yes! At least we have 22,000 Francs annuity so we may not rely on your patients and your clientele!
Enjoy the book!