In nervous anxiety drink a teaspoon of Neuropan syrup. This is a mix of the herbs valerian, hawthorn and mint - sold in pharmacies in liquid form and tablets. Deep breathing within 15 seconds saturates the brain with oxygen and has a soothing effect because its partial pressure in the body increases. The lack of iron in the body (in iron deficiency anemia) causes nervousness, anxiety, and tics.
Inappropriate diet is also a major cause leading to nervousness. Experiments performed on mice fed with human food (typical menu of developed countries) show a change in behaviour - they become restless, aggressive to each other and develop cannibalism. Exactly the same is happening nowadays in contemporary society and with children in menacing and increasing rate every year. If you want your kids to be calm never let them even try cheese curl snack, crisps, chocolate desserts and all shiny packages crammed with psychotropic (mind altering) chemicals.
For soothing the nerves drink mint and chamomile tea. Good pharmaceutical agent for restful sleep and sedation (relaxation of mind) is Lexotan. Sometimes you may feel quite relaxed so adjust the daily dose to the appropriate for you.
Escape from the usual work and home environment for a week or two somewhere in nature acts most refreshingly on the nervous system.