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It is carried out in a place where the incident occurred. It starts with a massage of the chest which replaces the pushes of the heart beat. It starts with a massage of the chest which replaces the beating of the heart. Because of the blood flow to the brain head should not be positioned higher than legs. Rescuer should kneel at shoulder level to the victim and make artificial respiration and external cardiac massage without moving his knees. Most important for the proper revitalization of the injured is to immediately provide conductance of the airways. If in the mouth of the injured are visible foreign matter or vomit it must be removed. This should not take long because every second counts. Dental prostheses, if any, should definitely be removed. One hand is placed on the forehead and carefully with a solid pressure directed backwards with the palm the head must be leant to the back. The mouth should not be closed. To find the lack of breathing bring your ear to the mouth and nose of the injured by maintaining airway conductance. Observe if the thorax rises or falls. Listen whether the injured exhales. Whether breath stream appears. For 5 - 10 seconds you must determine if the patient has a pulse by palpation (pressing) the carotid artery. In order to avoid blocking of the airways, palpation must be done only on one of the sides, the side of the rescuer. If there is no pulse and so far the "Emergency" team has not arrived you must start the heart massage.

Where should it be done?

In the lower third of the sternum (breastbone). With two fingers of the right hand find the point at which the breastbone and ribs are joined. Next to the fingers perpendicularly to the breastbone put your left palm. Move your right palm and put in on top of the left one. The elbows should be straight, the arms also straight and the shoulders of the rescuer directed straight down. After each compression completely take away the pressure so that the thorax may return to its normal position. The frequency of compressions are between 80 and 100 per minute. The movements must be even, without interruption, resembling heartbeat. For the process of revitalization of an injured who have fallen into "cardiac arrest" the artificial respiration is just as necessary as the cardiac massage. The most rapid respiration is effected mouth to mouth. The air exhaled by the rescuer contains sufficient amount of oxygen. By maintaining the required inclination of the head and chin the rescuer plugs the nose of the injured, takes a deep breath and with lips tightly joined to his lips breathes that air into the victim's mouth. The lifting of the thorax is a sure sign that respiration is successful.

If the injured has two rescuers, it is right the first one to perform cardiac massage and the second one standing next to his head to perform manual respiration. After every five compressions one respiration is to be done.

If the the rescuer is alone at every 15 compressions should be applied two consecutive respirations. If you feel that the pulse and breathing come back, stop the resuscitation! Never make it in the presence of a pulse. Only this way you can save the injured of sudden death.

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