Establishing the degree of blockage of the arteries is done by the so called coronary angiography more commonly called by people cardiac catheterization. One part of the people familiar with the nature of its implementation which I shall explain hereinafter, categorically refuse to undergo this procedure because its performance brings a real risk of dying. Whatever you decide for yourself it is better to know the risks involved. The danger comes from the toxic and carcinogenic dyes used and from the fact that by inserting the catheter blood pressure increases to very high values due to the increased resistance in the blood stream and because of the placement of anesthetic which always raises blood pressure.
Here's how to proceed in coronary angiography:
Penetration in the human heart becomes through artery chosen by the cardiologist. Usually as such is used the artery which is located in the groin in the crotch between the legs and abdomen - the femoral artery. As an alternative route is used an artery in the arm. A local anesthetic is placed in the groin and through very thin and flexible tubes the cardiologist goes to the heart until its penetration. The path of the blood is followed and thus the heart muscle itself is reached in order to be inspected the degree of narrowing (clogging) or blockage of the blood vessels. The cardiologist performing the examination at one point injects contrast fluid, tinting the arteries and the computer calculates the amount and rate of clogging. When the contrast fluid is injected the patient feels gentle warming and later on for one day he must drink lots of liquids (mostly water and yoghurt) so as to eliminate from his body the dyeing preparation used.