The vast majority of the so-called diseases of the musculoskeletal system as those listed in the title above including rheumatic pain in joints are caused by dehydration. The reason is very, very simple. Intervertebral discs contain a large amount of water and serve as shock absorbers in our body. Together with back muscles they provide the mechanical strength of the spine and man's ability to stand upright and bend in all directions. In dehydration the volume of intervertebral discs is drastically reduced and thus are pressed, pinched or irritated the nerves that are incoming, outgoing and passing along the vertebrae and cartilage discs. These mechanical impacts on the nervous system can be alleviated and eliminated if you start to drink water in normal physiological quantities. Then the pain will pass. Serious mistake should be to listen to the nonsense of illiterate doctors who for money will force you to make an examination with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner (MRI Scanner) as is the case with a herniated disc just to "find" something that is obvious. After such examination you will leave with two things, a handful of "medicines" generously prescribed by the quack in the white apron and a doze of hyper harmful magnetic radiation received after the "examination" performed with the MRI Scanner. In short this is the mechanism for development and treatment of "diseases" for which each day are spent heaps and heaps of money on scanners, drugs and for rehabilitation and instead of that someone could explain you in the most simple and humane way that you do not drink enough water.
A book about the 50 most common diseases, how to treat them and how to avoid generally being sick.
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