“Eat to live rather than live to eat"
The basic principle of a diet is to consume as much as possible unprocessed and simple food. To stay healthy your diet should include at least 2/3 unprocessed food and 1/3 mixed or cooked food. Further on in this chapter I described how to prepare your daily menu so as to achieve a healthy diet through the morning porridge made of nuts and seeds, the midday dish and the evening salad.
Eating is important. It must be taken seriously by everyone. What do I mean? Consider food as a medicine but also as a poison. Being a medicine the food provides the necessary energy, protein, carbohydrate, lipid and mineral composition of our existence. On the other hand it becomes a poison in abuse with its quantity and improperly selected composition. All diseases come from a condition called "hypoxia" - oxygen starvation of cells, tissues and organs. Hypoxia results in a precancerous conditions - in this case it causes metabolic acidosis (acidification of the body) and any chronic condition of hypoxia (hypoxemia) sooner or later necessarily leads to the development of cancer.
Hypoxia is determined by many factors but those related to food are a significant group. The simplest example of hypoxia originating from an improper diet is the intake of sugary foods in unreasonable quantities. What is the logic? Sweet foods are strongly acidifying your body (state of acidosis). In acidosis pH of your body is decreased and this leads to a reduction of oxygen supply to the cells and they begin to experience oxygen starvation. Stated another way this is a condition in which due to a lack of sufficient oxygen the cell cannot produce the necessary biochemical energy in the form of the compound of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) necessary for carrying out the energetic processes in the body. Thus the daily cramming with waffles and chocolate desserts in any form firstly does not provide you with the necessary (should be understood as "the right kind of") energy for existence and secondly this is only a momentary explosion of malicious carbohydrates that are converted instantly into filling for the adipocytes (these are your fat cells). From this you gain weight tremendously and deserts themselves are mixed with GMO ingredients, cancerogenic colouring agents and even more carcinogenic sweeteners - because they make production costs lower. So since childhood you are forcing your pancreas to produce insulin in huge quantities in order to keep up with your insatiable craving for sweets. Since the nature tirelessly seeks to restore the balance the response to overdoing with sweets and systematic destruction of the pancreas is the refusal of its function to produce insulin and you find yourself a diabetic at you 30’s, if not earlier, and on top of everything also a hypertensive because diabetes and hypertension are like brother and sister - from one family.
Total energy import gained from food taking into account the quality needs of the body of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their ratio to achieve those needs cannot be chosen arbitrarily. Most commonly proteins constitute 10-15% of these imports, fat - between 25-40% and carbohydrates - between 45 and 65%. Remember that any human being needs of at least 1.5 - 2 gr/kg of proteins per day in order to cover its necessity of amino acids which in turn each of our cells will use to produce human proteins.
Lipid ingredients of food contain also dissolved vitamins A, D, E and K therefore diet without fat may soon lead to avitaminosis. It is known that in order to avoid ketogenesis in the oxidation of fatty acids it is necessary the presence of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates i.e. in a high amount of fats in the diet is also needed the respective supplement of glucose.
The brain although only 2% of the weight of the body consumes about 20% of the total energy consumption at rest metabolizing exceptionally glucose. The amount of the latter in this case is about 100 to 150 gr/day. Given the fact that liver in the body produces extra glucose (glycogen) out of fatty acids the maximum daily intake amount of saccharose should be limited to 50 gr/day.