Healing of varicose wounds. The miraculous ointment of marigold (Calendula) flowers mixed with lard is well known to our grandmothers who used it to treat various ailments. Although you may find variations thereof in pharmacies the authentic Calendula ointment is irreplaceable.
Here is the recipe for its preparation:
Sauté (lightly fry) heaped handfuls of flowers (blooms) of the herb in half a kilogram previously melted and washed lard. Use a wooden spoon to prepare the balm by stirring the mixture with it while it is on the hot plate. Do not let the blooms to burn out. Leave the prepared ointment to stay overnight in the pan. On the following day gently warm the mixture then strain it through a linen cloth. Strained mass is poured into dry glass jars with screw caps and stored in the refrigerator. Smear the wounds but do not cover or bandage them. Open wounds heal much faster upon contact with air!