Avitaminosis - Vitamin Deficiency. If the most popular preventive laboratory tests show some deviation from normal values or if you just do not feel well for a long time think about if you drink enough water and then start testing the full range of vitamins that laboratories around you offer in their services.
Vitamin A - retinol, axerophthol
Vitamin C - ascorbic acid
Vitamin D - calciferol
Vitamin E - tocopherol
Vitamin K - phylloquinone
Vitamin B1 - thiamine, aneurine
Vitamin B2 - riboflavin, lactoflavine
Vitamin B3 (PP) - nicotinamide, niacin
Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine, adermin
Vitamin B7 - biotin
Vitamin B9 - folic acid, folacin
Vitamin B12 - cobalamin
Vitamin B15 - pangamic acid
Vitamin B17 - amygdalin, laetrile - the cancer killer!
Vitamins of group B
Vitamin B1
Can be found in corn germs and husks of grains and hence in the rough flours and dark breads especially in bran, in their sprouts, in nuts - walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, in meat, egg yolk, liver. Lack of vitamin B1 can be obtained by plentiful use of sugar and bakery products of fine flour (white bread). Then in the body accumulate toxic substances from the improper metabolism of carbohydrates. This leads to damage to the nervous system and heart muscle. The disease beri-beri develops.
Vitamin B2
The greatest amount is contained in dairy products, offal, meat, fish, egg yolk, caviar. It's called a growth factor. Its absence is not related to demonstratively expressed clinical picture but there are symptoms that although not specific can make us think about the presence of hypovitaminosis of vitamin B2. These are cracks on lips and appearance of small ulcers at the corners of the mouth (cheilitis).
Vitamin B3
In its prolonged shortage in food and especially in its complete lack is developed the disease pellagra. It is a disease of the three "D" - dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia. Vitamin B3 is thermostable and retains in burning of products. In the body it enters mainly with grains and less with beans, with some vegetables and animal foods (liver, kidney, fish). In the absence in the diet can be synthesized by the body in the presence of the amino acid tryptophan.
Vitamin B6
It is resistant to high temperatures, without losing its activity in very acidic and highly alkaline environment. Can be easily destroyed put on light. Rich in that vitamin are the yeast, grains of wheat foods, beans, potatoes, liver, muscles.
Vitamin B12 and B9
Vitamin B9 is involved in the synthesis of many important compounds in some cases together with vitamin C and B12. It is found in leafy vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes, liver, muscles, white cheese, caviar. The second name of vitamin B12 is "anti-anaemic factor". It has a strong hematopoietic activity and provides maturation of red blood cells. In case of low levels of B12 the bone marrow is unable to produce blood elements - erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, lymphocytes. Without them the immune system collapses to zero.
B12 vitamin deficiency with its consequences may develop during prolonged vegetarian diet especially in full vegetarianism. Deficiency of vitamin B12 and B9 lead to the development of the terrible disease pernicious anemia from which people die slowly and painfully. To this day you will not find a doctor which will recommend you to test your B12 and B9 levels because if people understand how important for health those vitamins are and how easily and quickly can be overcome very serious medical conditions the doctors will stay jobless (idle). On the contrary, they will convince you that vitamins have no relation to your anemic condition, dermatitis (skin diseases), chronic diarrhea or dementia (deterioration of brain cells), Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis. But the truth is cruel. Without enough vitamin B12 and B9 (as noted above, these are the precursors of 3 amino acids important for DNA synthesis) the organism cannot produce properly its DNA for subsequent synthesis of healthy cells, it will mutate and mutated DNA is expressed in cancer.
For the shortage of vitamin B12 I wrote above in terms of the fact that we humans cannot produce it ourselves in the body and need to obtain it from nature - by consumption of beef liver, mussels, muscles.
Vitamin B12 comes in several forms and is tested in laboratories in two main variants. In pharmacies it is sold in ampoules of cyanocobalamin and in stores for food supplements as methylcobalamin in sublingual form. Laboratories test either the total vitamin B12 contained in plasma or only its active (biochemically significant) part for the body - holotranscobalamin. Precisely this active part is only important to be tested for the assessment of your particular condition and saturation with vitamin B12.
Folic acid (vitamin B9) is available in tablets and there are no variations neither pharmaceutically nor as laboratory tests. It needs to be taken together with B12 due to their synergetic (interdependent) action in the body for better absorption of both. B12 saturation is achieved according to the dose for a period of 2 weeks to 2 months. Before taking B12 must be established in laboratory what is its level in the body and also keeping in mind that people with coronary heart disease have to take it in minimal doses once in two days by 100 micrograms. A larger amount would have fatal consequences for the work of the heart. In healthy people this right does not apply and they can take 1,000 mg per day in emergency cases within 10 days. I personally take every two months for prophylactic 200 micrograms of vitamin B12 - every second day along with 400 micrograms of folic acid - every day, for a period of 10 days. In need of recovery and reaching physiological levels of vitamins B9 and B12 in the body apply the specified scheme instead of 10 days for two months as after which their accumulation in the body becomes visible (through lab testing). During this period could be noticed slight decrease of iron in the blood but this phenomenon is temporary and after the end of intake of B12 the iron within one month returns to its previous level. After saturation with B12 its reserves in the body fall slowly - for months or even years in contrast to folic acid which does not accumulate in the body and you should obtain it by food or food additives (if necessary) every day. I recommend you the sublingual form for sucking of vitamin B12 in its version as a methylcobalamin (not cyanocobalamin) because the absorption of the same is almost 100% as opposed to the regularly recommended by doctors intramuscular ampoules of cyanocobalamin which absorption is only 7%. Thus with methylcobalamin you do not have to be given injections as we remember that in some patients this is particularly important because they are highly prone to hematoma formation (subcutaneous blood clots) - mostly the elderly and those with permanent arrhythmia in which there are changes in the rates of blood coagulation and the clotting process as a whole.
Vitamin B17
Vitamin B17 is the compound amygdalin and in foods containing this compound it is called nitroloside. It is discovered for the western civilization in 1830 and its synthesis in a laboratory achieves the biochemist Dr. Ernst Krebs in 1952. He puts the synthesized product the name Laetrile.
The lack of Vitamin B17 in the body leads to an increased risk of developing cancer. Saturation with B17 by eating foods containing it in certain quantities leads to prevention of cancer in 100% of the cases. It is a proven and tested natural remedy for over two centuries. Why have not you heard about its miraculous properties from doctors? I will never hear about B17 from them. They are part of a mafia which manage the cancer patients in the most mercantile and seedy way earning from an industry in which annual sales amount to billions of dollars. You think that you will be allowed to heal yourself for free? For the price of a handful of apricot kernels? No, you will not find a single state in the world that will allow you to do or know this! The impudence in the US, Canada and Australia reached to a point that the sale, supply, transportation, cultivation and production of apricot kernels and vitamin B17 is prohibited and declared a crime almost immediately (in 1973) after the discovery of Ernst Krebs in 1952.
Vitamin B17 is present in the composition of more than 1,200 plants and fruits. The greatest content is found in the kernels of the apricot, bitter almond, linseed, apple seeds. Probably you have noticed that predators occasionally graze grass - dogs, cats, lions, etc. Especially when they do not feel well. These animals have an extremely developed sense of smell and recognize the grasses which contain B17. This is their cancer treatment.
What constitutes the vitamin B17? This compound is made up of two molecules of glucose, one molecule of benzaldehyde and one molecule of cyanide, see Figure 4.
Figure 4. Molecule of Amygdalin (vitamin B17)
When B17 enters into the cells of our body it is decomposed into its constituent parts under the action of the enzyme beta-glucosidase. This enzyme is present in insignificant quantities in our cells therefore poisoning with the toxic cyanide and benzaldehyde is impossible. It is impossible yet for another reason. In healthy cells care for the detoxification in the presence of cyanide has the enzyme rhodanese. It turns cyanide in much less toxic compound that is excreted in the urine and benzaldehyde oxidises also and goes into safe for humans form.
Unlike normal cells cancer cells contain an enormous amount of the beta-glucosidase enzyme. Having entered into a cancer cell B17 is being attacked by the beta-glucosidase in order the cell to be able to immediately metabolize the containing glucose therein. But what happens to the cyanide and benzaldehyde? In cancer cells the enzyme rhodanese is in minimum quantities or lacks at all. Therefore the tumor cells are unable to bind cyanide in a safe compound and experience all of its toxicity. The situation is similar with benzaldehyde. Cancer cells are "fed" energetically in anaerobic (oxygen-free) way. Oxygen kills cancer cells. Therefore they do not allow oxygen in its metabolic cycle. However this prevents the benzaldehyde to be oxidized and it stays in the cancer cell as toxic as cyanide is. These two compounds in their joint action are 100 times more toxic than each one of them taken separately. As Ernst Krebs says looking under the microscope the above described biochemical reaction: "Cancer cells are dying like flies!"
Before the hypocritical prohibition on Laetrile (Vitamin B17) in 1973 many doctors in the US and Australia (as well as in the rest of the world) manage to heal tens of thousands of cancer patients. Since standard medicine prescribes the murderous chemotherapy and the criminal radiotherapy part of the patients of the pioneers in the true cancer treatment with B17 die because they have undergone first the carnage of the chemo- and radiotherapy. Nevertheless 15% of the patients who have been in their terminal (dying) stage of the cancer disease experienced a complete recovery. The statistics for 60 years of Laetrile treatment and prevention with the intake of nitrolosides show the following:
- Healthy people - with a daily intake of 5-15 apricot kernels in 100% of cases never get cancer
- Cancer patients cured with Laetrile - before chemotherapy - 80%
- Cancer patients cured with Laetrile - after chemotherapy - 15%
Let me explain this statistic from a medical standpoint. First of all chemotherapy and radiotherapy cause damage to the whole body and kill even the healthy parts therein – the survivors are merely 0,8% within the next five years of all cases and only because their immune system has coped both with cancer and the disabilities caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Above I clarified why doctors continue to kill in this way. Both procedures cause irreparable damage to the DNA of all (sick and healthy) cells without exception by its toxic effects. Thus new cells in the normal cell division in the body reproduce themselves with mutations which starts the so called cancer metastasis process spreading cancer to other organs and tissues. Much of the irradiated (due to radiotherapy) or poisoned (due to chemotherapy) patients die from infections or colds merely because these two butcher procedures destroy 100% of their immune system.
Vitamin B17 removes the cancer but has no influence over correcting mutated DNA molecules. To make this clearer I will give an example. If a person is badly shot the bullet can be removed from the wound although he will die from the massive bleeding. Therefore survivors are only 15% of the patients who passed the genocide of oncologists and then sought help for treatment with Laetrile as a last chance. The same principle applies to those 80% of the people who have not been subjected beforehand to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. If you've seen a picture of a smoker's lung or liver of chronically drinking people you will realize that damages incurred are spectacular. I repeat again! Vitamin B17 removes the cancer but it cannot recover the irreversible damages caused by the suicidal and foolish way of life. In these cases is impaired the physiological and biochemical balance of the body.
Can we overdose the intake of B17? Water and oxygen are vital but if we overdo with them they turn into poison and kill us. So it is with everything in this world. The measure for prophylactic intake of B17 by apricot kernels for example is the equivalent of the number of fruits that a man is able to eat daily (without overeating). If these are 5-15 apricots then your dose of apricot kernels is 5 to 15 of them. I personally take each day 10 kernels but also every morning I breakfast with a porridge which has flaxseed in it containing B17 so the total daily dose which I receive is even greater.
Vitamin A
Fat-soluble. Risk of toxicity in overdosing. It has the ability to maintain the humidity and antibacterial properties of the lining of the eye. Its absence in the body causes night blindness (nyctalopia) - impaired night vision. In its insufficiency skin also becomes dry and develops hyperkeratosis (skin keranitization, age spots) and in respiratory organs are developed persistent rhinitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Particularly rich source of vitamin A is the liver but a constant source albeit having less content of it are egg yolks, dairy products and cow's butter.
Vitamin C
Water-soluble. Overdosing is practically impossible but for an upper daily limit could be accepted the intake of 12 grams (12,000 mg). Everyday prophylactic dose - 250-500 mg. Can be taken against bleeding gums, scurvy, blood clots (thrombus), common colds, to stretched skin and much more. This vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidant as such it is the first line of defence against pathogens. Major importers in the body of Vitamin C are fruits and vegetables - rose hips, black currants, peppers (especially the red one), tomatoes, spinach, green onions, lettuce, citrus fruits, parsley. Vitamin C is used to increase the absorption of iron in the small intestine thereby increasing its levels within the body thus the latter becomes able to overcome the state of iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin D
Fat-soluble. Risk of toxicity in overdosing. When exposed to sunlight the cholesterol and estrogen in the skin are converted into vitamin D. It is enough to sunbathe for 5-10 minutes a day for the procurement of your daily needs thereof. Vitamins of group D maintain also the normal concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. It is found in plant foods - mainly in vegetable oils, some leafy vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin E
Fat-soluble. Risk of toxicity in overdosing. It is synthesized within plant tissues and can be found in leafy vegetables - cabbage, lettuces, spinach, parsley, some seaweed, carrots, beans and others. Rich of it are the vegetable oils, dairy products and fish. In the intestine it is absorbed only in the presence of fats. It preserves from oxidation vitamins A and C.
Vitamin K
Anti-haemorrhagic vitamin. Hemorrhage - obstruction of a blood vessel. Contained in the leaves of wild chestnut, nettle, spinach, alfalfa, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, squash. It plays an important role in the blood clotting (coagulation) process by participating in the synthesis of prothrombin and other proteins providing clotting. Also stimulates the synthesis of histamine, serotonin and acetylcholine. With its stimulating action on renewal of proteins vitamin K promotes the rapid healing of wounds and injuries from burns.