Diabetes. The insufficient intake of salt damages the pancreas. Overuse of sugar also. The excessive loading of the body with sugar leads to resistance of the insulin receptors on the surface of the cell membrane and / or to a deterioration in the function of the pancreas to secrete insulin. The consequences are familiar to you - diabetes is developed. About the control and treatment of diabetes read paragraph "Squatting and rising".
However pancreas secretes also the enzyme trypsin. What does this enzyme do? Above in the text I have described the role of vitamin B17 in the fight against tumors but before the body starts seeking its reserves of vitamin B17 the first line of defence against cancer is namely the trypsin. Cancer cells (trophoblasts) are negatively charged on its outer cell membrane. Leukocytes (white blood cells), which are our faithful guardians against pathogens are responsible to dispose cancer cells but leukocytes themselves are also negatively charged on their outer membrane and pursuant to the laws of physics and electricity in their meeting with the cancer cells they repel each other.
A crucial role in overcoming of this electrostatic potential barrier plays namely the trypsin which manages to break the membrane of cancer cells and thus the leukocytes manage to enter in it and destroy it. Unfortunately pancreatic cancer is very common. You will be surprised and will exclaim, but how come, you said that exactly the pancreas secretes trypsin? The explanation is that trypsin is secreted by the pancreas in an inactive form and another enzyme activates it when it reaches into the small intestine.
The conclusion again is as follows - sugars in an amount of more than 50 grams/day result in damage to the pancreas and as a consequence lead to diabetes, heart diseases and cancer.