Cooking recipes for healthy eating with photos.
The dishes in this section are included in the book "My Health Legacy" in Chapter "Menu"
The division of the dishes here below is consistent with the idea of writing the book "My Health Legacy". This is not a list of recipes for satisfying one's culinary skills and quests, and a style of eating to which our family adheres already for years. I have many followers who are already convinced that food combining, moon diets and all sorts of nonsense are not the basis of slender figure but implementation of the rules on energy supply and physiological characteristics of Homo Sapiens enshrined in textbooks of biochemistry, physiology and microbiology. Read paragraph "Daily regimen Gold Standard" to find out the truth about having a slim figure and remember that fat concentration camp inhabitants do not exist i.e. the absorbed quantity of healthy food determines your weight and not the parable of genetic inheritance of obesity. The only thing you have inherited from your parents is the wrong eating habits and nothing else. If you are fat, that's the reason!